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6 other ways you can have your caffeine fix aside from coffee

by Tina Sendin 4 min read

6 other ways you can have your caffeine fix aside from coffee

Coffee is the top-of-mind source of caffeine, which is a natural substance that’s considered a stimulant, something that promotes alertness. It can heighten mood and make you happy, improve reaction time, and elevate mental performance. [1

While caffeine is found in most natural sources, it can also be synthetically produced. Soda, energy drinks, “energy shots”, and mints all contain caffeine and are available in retail. [2] These are usually marketed as a dietary supplement taken to enhance performance and lose weight.

Caffeine is considered a “moderately effective alerting agent,” so it can help you achieve optimal performance in mind and body, helping you achieve laser focus even with a lack of rest. [3]

But if you have decided to swear off on coffee altogether or curious where else you could get your caffeine fix from, then this article is for you.

Here are 6 ways you could get your dose of caffeine, without drinking coffee:


#1 Caffeine pills

Considered as supplements, this is your caffeine fix taken in capsule form. It may have natural caffeine straight from the brewing process, while it may have synthetic or artificial caffeine. 

Caffeine pills provide the same stimulating benefits as coffee and other caffeine beverages. The only difference is that caffeine pills release 100 mg of caffeine over time, helping you avoid the sudden surge of energy or the usual crash you get a few hours after drinking coffee.

Note that caffeine pills aren’t exactly the caffeine powder you see in bulk from the retail stores. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration or FDA considers caffeine powder as “potentially dangerous.” [4] Caffeine pills are generally safe, though there are some precautions to note, which you can learn more from our article “What is a caffeine pill? Is it safe?


#2 Energy mints 

If you want to have your caffeine mints and minty fresh breath at the same time, then consider taking caffeine energy mints. Made for people who want energy, great taste, and convenience in one, Viter Energy mints have a strong flavor that gives you that energy all while freshening your breath. A pop contains 40 milligrams each, which is equivalent to half a cup of joe. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, then you can try other flavors with your caffeinated mint – wintergreen, cinnamon, peppermint, chocolate mint, and spearmint.


#3 Caffeinated energy bracelets 

This innovative product may just be right for you if you’re looking for an instant boost of caffeine amidst your busy schedule. That’s because you only need to wear it while you leave it to work its magic. It serves pretty much like a nicotine patch, except that the bracelet has energy patches instead, which release caffeine through the skin. It doesn’t necessarily go through your digestive system, so your system could break down the caffeine over a period of time. This can help you avoid the usual jitters and crashes associated with downing a cup of coffee. Energy bracelets like Perk contain 30 caffeine patches as a start.


#4 Caffeinated personal hygiene products 

Believe it or not, caffeinated soap is actually a thing – and there’s a bunch of products available in the market! Aside from giving you a boost of energy, caffeinated soap is usually made from sustainable ingredients. If you’re wondering whether caffeinated soap can actually give you a much-needed caffeine fix, this Guardian article says it could – though depending on how long you spend in the shower. According to Newcastle University researcher Faith Williams, “caffeine does go through the skin if you apply it to the surface in solution… but I would have thought that not much would go through [from soap] because I don't think it would stay in contact for very long." [5]

Interestingly enough, there’s another personal hygiene product that contains caffeine. While they can’t produce the same effects as coffee in the perk-you-up arena, caffeinated shampoo gives you healthy and luscious hair.

To find out other related benefits of caffeine on your skin, read our article “Benefits of a coffee scrub.

And while it sounds strangely incompatible, certain toothpaste like Power Toothpaste contains 125 milligrams of caffeine per tube, which could mean 80 mg worth for every brushing session.


#5 Stir sticks

Another example of how ingenious people can get with their caffeine products, caffeine stir sticks make caffeine fix more accessible. It’s so easy to use – just literally stick it into the glass and use it to stir your drink. These sticks contain crystals, which when mixed with liquid, dissolve after 10 seconds or so. There are also different flavors available – orange, mixed berries, and many more. Choose your own adventure!


#6 Other food sources 

Aside from coffee and tea, there's plenty of food and beverage that also contain caffeine.

Sodas and colas are already known to be caffeinated drinks. But did you know that root beer, orange soda and cream soda all contain caffeine as well? Regular and diet variants of root beer have 23 milligrams of caffeine in a can, orange soda has 41 mg, and cream soda has 25 mg.

Chocolates can also contain as much as 60 mg of caffeine. Chocolate candy bars would normally have 10 mg or less. But the darker the chocolate, the higher the caffeine content becomes! A dark chocolate bar has approximately 30 mg of caffeine (equivalent to a can of soda) and a Snickers Charge has 60 mg (similar to a cup of tea).

And coffee-flavored ice cream comes with 30 to almost 50 mg of caffeine for every half cup.



If you’re trying to ease off on your daily java fix, don't fret. There are many other sources of caffeine to try. Whether it's as innovative as a caffeine bracelet or a simple pop of caffeine mint, you’re sure to still get your dose of perk without over doing it.

Try the wide assortment of Viter Energy Mint flavors that not only give you a much needed boost, but also an instant dose of freshness!



[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1356551

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/762339

[3] https://www.livestrong.com/article/480438-caffeine-sweating/

[4] https://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/ProductsIngredients/ucm460095.htm

[5] https://www.theguardian.com/science/2003/nov/27/thisweekssciencequestions1

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