by Mark Miller 5 min read
It’s not possible to eliminate caffeine from the body more quickly than usual. Caffeine’s half-life, the time it takes to for a healthy adult to see a reduction of caffeine’s presence in the body by half, is 5.7 hours. And if you don’t get your usual dose the next day, you may go into minor withdrawal and be groggy and cross. Some people also experience a headache if they don’t get their usual dose.
Some people go to extraordinary lengths to eliminate caffeine, including doing vigorous exercise and taking cleansing or detoxification measures. These measures are not likely to reduce caffeine’s presence in your body at all. Be patient, the last traces of caffeine should be gone completely about a day after ingestion.
Dr. Ray Schilling says [1] the elimination of caffeine from the body takes about 28.5 hours. Complete elimination occurs after five half-lives.
Dr. Schilling says there is also a biological half-life of caffeine that lasts much longer than the process of eliminating caffeine’s physical presence in the body. Dr. Schilling writes:
The reality is even worse: there is a biological half-life of eliminating caffeine, which is much longer than the physical elimination. This is the effect it takes for cells to recover from the action of caffeine. Some people are very sensitive to caffeine.
When they withdraw from caffeine, it may take them 2 weeks to be back to normal in their sleep rhythms, their energy and general functioning.Most people take about 1 week to 1 1/2 weeks. This time (1 to 1 /2 weeks for most people or 2 weeks for caffeine sensitive people) would be the biological half-life.
For some reason, the physical half life of caffeine is much longer for pregnant women, especially in the last four weeks of gestation: 10.5 hours. Dr. Schilling recommends that pregnant women either stop consuming caffeine altogether or limit their intake to one cup per day. Dr. Schilling says it would take 52.5 hours to eliminate caffeine from a pregnant woman’s body after she quits caffeine.
Certain conditions can prolong the half-life of caffeine, according to Caffeine Informer [2]. For example, the caffeine half-life for people with compromised liver function can be much longer. A study showed the half-life for a 49-yeear-old woman with alcoholic hepatic disease was 168 hours.
Also, some people lack genes that influence caffeine’s half-life. If people have a defective gene or lack it altogether, caffeine may remain in the system for a long time and cause allergy-like symptoms. People with variations of another gene that affects metabolism rates need much less caffeine to experience the stimulating effects of caffeine.
What you may experience if you quit taking caffeine.
The benefits of coffee may outweigh risks of jitters and withdrawal. Studies show that coffee:
Reduces risk of heart disease, cancer and multiple sclerosis
Boosts semen production
Enhances memory
Alleviates fatigue
Reduces the risk of kidney stones
Helps alleviate migraine headaches
Enhances the effect of over-the-counter painkillers
Enhances athletic performance
And it tastes great. The caffeine in coffee is slightly addictive, but it is not a dangerous, life-destroying drug like opiates or meth.
Other areas where it may help are in preventing erectile dysfunction, reducing suicide risk, reducing or preventing ringing in the ears and reducing risk of kidney stones.
And while you may not be training for the Olympics, coffee and caffeine can boost athletic performance. A Viter Energy Mints blog posting [3] pointed out that caffeine can boost athletic stamina and speed so much that the International Olympic Committee once limited how much of it Olympic athletes could take. Caffeine was categorized as a performance-enhancing substance.
Given all this, are you sure you really want to eliminate caffeine? Studies have shown that people who drink coffee live longer! Dr. Schilling, who wrote a posting on his blog [4].
In the past few years many studies have shown the coffee consumption prolongs life. The FDA has now officially recognized these studies and recommends that consumption of up to 400 mg caffeine will help promote health. On the other hand the FDA also recommends that those who do not drink coffee, should not change their lifestyle just because of these recommendations.
Dr. Schilling cautions in another posting on his blog [5] that drinking more than 2 cups a day can increase risk of miscarriage in pregnant women.
He also says coffee may be an aggravating factor in people prone to anxiety or nervousness. Another group whom he says should avoid coffee is people with rheumatoid arthritis.
The headline on this posting says "How to Get Rid of Caffeine from the Body Quickly." But is that possible? Healthline answers the question [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-get-caffeine-out-of-your-system#tips]:
Once caffeine is in your system, it’s difficult to get rid of. Avoiding caffeine, staying hydrated, and waiting it out are your best options to reduce its effects.
To get the caffeine out, Healthline advises taking L-Theanine, staying hydrated, eating fiber-rich foods, getting exercise, and practicing deep breathing.
In August 2016 Dr. Schilling wrote about a meta-study [6] using data from 41,736 men and 86,214 women that found the risk of death from all causes decreased significantly for men and women.
He wrote:
Men had a relative risk reduction of 20% as compared to their counterparts with the lowest level of coffee consumption. Women with intermediate to high consumption had a relative risk reduction of 10% to 30% as compared to the group that drank less than 1 cup of coffee per month.
We said earlier if you want to eliminate caffeine from your system entirely, just be patient, and it should be gone in about one day. If you want to say off of caffeine and coffee, gradually reduce the amount of caffeine you take.
This writer has kicked the caffeine habit a couple of times by reducing my usual coffee intake from two mugs to one and half for a few days, reducing to one mug for a few more days, and drinking tea for a few a days and then quitting altogether.
Drinking coffee can be inconvenient because occasions arise from time to time when it’s impossible to get your usual dose of coffee and caffeine, the world’s No. 1 mood-altering substance. In that case you could consider having a tin of Viter Energy Mints [7] handy.
The mints [https://amzn.to/3jb7Gwg] have 40 mg of caffeine in addition to essential B vitamins that play a role in energy and vigor. That is about half the amount of caffeine in a cup of java. So if you take three or four mints under the tongue, you can avoid the headache, constipation and overall malaise that come with caffeine withdrawal.
[1] https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-eliminate-caffeine-out-of-the-body-quickly
[2] https://www.caffeineinformer.com/the-half-life-of-caffeine
[3] http://viterlife.com/is-having-caffeine-before-a-workout-a-good-idea/
[4] http://www.askdrray.com/new-fda-food-guidelines/
[5] http://www.askdrray.com/have-a-cup-of-coffee-and-decrease-your-death-risk/
[6] http://www.askdrray.com/?s=41%2C736
by Mark Miller 3 min read
Erectile dysfunction. In combination, those are two of the ugliest words known to man. But can caffeine help you get it up?
Science hasn't found the definitive answer to this question, but one study concluded that fewer men who consume caffeine have problems performing. The study said:
Caffeine intake reduced the odds of prevalent ED, especially an intake equivalent to approximately 2-3 daily cups of coffee (170-375 mg/day). This reduction was also observed among overweight/obese and hypertensive, but not among diabetic men. Yet, these associations are warranted to be investigated in prospective studies
by Mark Miller 4 min read
Many breastfeeding mothers wonder if it's OK to take caffeine. In fact, many nursing mothers just avoid caffeine in case it would keep their babies fussy, jittery and awake.
The answer is yes, you can take caffeine while breastfeeding, as long as you don't go over about 300 mg a day.
It's an important question because caffeine is in so many products, and taking coffee, tea, or soda is such a common ritual.
And breastfeeding mothers may be tempted to take caffeinated products because they are deprived of sleep by their newborns' odd sleep schedule.
by Mark Miller 5 min read
You might think gum chewing is an activity with little or no benefits besides the pleasure and flavor, but think again. Chewing gum has several benefits.
In addition to freshening your breath, sugar-free gum can help prevent cavities and contribute to overall oral health. But that's just the beginning.