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7 surprising health benefits of caffeine

by Tina Sendin 5 min read

7 surprising health benefits of caffeine


Caffeine does more than just wake you up. It’s the most widely used stimulant/substance/drug (however way you want to call it) for getting that familiar jolt in the morning, the kick that you need to jumpstart the day.

Every day, millions of people all around the world consume caffeine to stay awake and ease fatigue. But there’s definitely more to it than just a fix.

While it usually gets bad rap for its adverse effects like jitters, anxiety, palpitations (usually from having too much of it too soon), moderate consumption can give you the best bang for the cup.

Here are 7 surprising ways caffeine brings benefits to our day-to-day.


1. It enhances sports performance

Some of our favorite athletes are just like us – they have their everyday caffeine regimen and love it.

But did you know that some athletes also use caffeine to boost sports performance?

In fact, three-fourths of the world’s elite athletes take advantage of caffeine’s performance-enhancing properties. Some athletes and their performance entourage have taken this to a whole another level. They tap into caffeine’s “ergogenic” properties that enhance speed and stamina. [1]


Caffeine’s perks include delaying feelings of fatigue and preventing sleep brought about by the binding of brain receptors into the sleep-inducing neurotransmitter, adenosine. [2] Sounds great for athletes trying to cope with jet lag!

It also aids “short-term, intense activities and improves endurance athletes’ times by up to 3 percent—a margin that could certainly matter in Olympic-caliber competition,” according to an article by Men’s Health on the subject. [3]

Click here to continue reading: How much caffeine is allowed in sports?

RELATED ARTICLE: Athletes train harder, longer and perform better with caffeine


2. It enhances your cognitive function

If, during mind-numbing, brain-wracking moments, you want to feel like Popeye going for a whole can of spinach, just reach out for the coffee-maker and you’re likely to feel the same!

Caffeine can also help you absorb information and remember it more efficiently.

Yep! Our favorite stimulant can boost mental performance in more ways than one. Have a cuppa and you’ll find yourself retaining more information from classes and business meetings, kill it in planning and problem-solving, and finish those day-to-day tasks efficiently.

Click here to continue reading: 8 ways caffeine affects your concentration and mental performance



3. It gives you smooth, glowing skin!

Did you know that coffee can do way more than help you get a second wind during that afternoon slump? It actually helps you get smooth, glowing skin!

Sounds like your typical skin care ad right? But hear me out.

Coffee's properties give natural benefits for the skin. And no, not by drinking more cups of joe. It's when you actually apply it on your skin.

Say what?


Those innocuous-looking coffee grounds can actually become a coffee scrub for your face and body! 

This isn't the fad of the year - it's actually been done for years because of the things it can do for your skin.

A sluggish trip to the coffee-maker is part of people's morning routine. It's no wonder that many use coffee as an alternative body scrub. As long as there's a coffee-drinker at home, there's a DIY coffee body scrub waiting to happen.

When applied topically, coffee stimulates blood flow to the area, leading to a radiant and bright skin. Mixed with other ingredients like cinnamon, it exfoliates the skin, makes it more supple, gets rid of germs, and heals wounds.

Click here to continue reading: Benefits of a coffee scrub


4. It helps control ADHD

Feeling antsy and hyperactive, being impulsive, and having short attention span are all telltale signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.

ADHD is usually thought of as a disorder in children, but people can have it even as an adult.

You might think the last thing you should take to treat it is caffeine, which is known to boost energy. But it may be just what the doctor could prescribe.

It may be hard to imagine how caffeine, a stimulant, can be used as a potential treatment to ADHD:

  • Caffeine helps ADHD by increasing dopamine levels. A study cited in the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology says caffeine may normalize dopamine levels and thereby improve ADHD patients' attention. [4]
  • Caffeine reduces blood flow to the brain. As a vasoconstrictor that makes blood vessels narrower, caffeine reduces blood flow to the brain. This is what’s common between caffeine and amphetamine medications that treat ADHD.
  • Caffeine aids in concentration. Some studies have found that caffeine can boost concentration for people with ADHD. [5] To be able to concentrate on work, a person needs to have ample levels of dopamine in the brain. People with ADHD, however, are observed to have unusually lower levels of dopamine. Caffeine as a stimulant can make a world of difference among people with ADHD as it can get their dopamine levels just right.
  • Using caffeine with ADHD medications. Mixing caffeine with amphetamine medications such as Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) can result in synergy, a powerful combination of two drugs leading to amplified effects. Because of synergy, caffeine makes amphetamines more effective. However, the potential side effects can also be felt strongly so be sure to consult your doctor first.


Click here to continue reading: Does caffeine help control ADHD?


5. It cures migraines

Migraines can get so painful that people who suffer from them are often only able to do little, if nothing at all.

Migraine headaches are very common and are a major health problem globally. In the United States alone, there are about 38 million migraine patients - adults and children alike [6]. That's about 1 in 4 households with people prone to migraines.

“Many people do not realize how serious and debilitating migraine can be,” the Migraine Research Foundation writes. “In addition to attack-related disability, migraine interferes with a sufferer’s ability to function in everyday life, whether that is going to school or work, caring for family or enjoying social activities.”


But there’s a silver lining:

Caffeine, which is in so many delicious products, actually helps relieve symptoms and boosts the effectiveness of medications.

Sounds too good to be true? Not really!

It's all backed by science.

Click here to continue reading: Can caffeine cure or cause migraine?


6. It lifts you up into a better mood

Feeling down? Going through mood swings? Having one of those days?

What if I told you that you can turn your day around as easy as getting a caffeine fix?

I'm not pulling this out of a hat. Science suggests that caffeine is not just a stimulant that keeps you alert, it can also improve your mood and help you become a walking ball of sunshine. This may seem like a tall order for caffeine... but wait ‘til you order a tall cup of coffee and experience it yourself!


Based on a review conducted by A. Nehlig, having 75mg of caffeine (a cup of coffee) every 4 hours can lead to a “pattern of sustained improvement of mood over the day.” It can increase alertness and well-being, help concentration, improve mood and limit depression. [7]

Click here to continue reading: How does caffeine affect your mood?


7. It boosts your metabolism

Caffeine has been known for its several benefits – from something so simple as helping you get over that afternoon slump, to lowered risk of Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

And for those wanting to lose weight, listen up!

Caffeine can also INCREASE METABOLISM.

Yes, you read that right. In fact, increased metabolism is observed for up to three hours after consuming 8 mg/kg of coffee [8].

Click here to continue reading: 3 ways caffeine boosts your metabolism



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